Monday, March 2, 2015

Educating the World, One Ted Talk at a Time

In Mrs. Flores's 7th grade ELA class at Medlin, students captivate a global audience with "Idea's Worth Spreading". Having studied and evaluated exemplar TED Talks from, students created original TED talk videos sharing their own unique discoveries, new ways of thinking, solutions to problems, and profound observations. Students used technology to enhance their informative and persuasive messages, increase audience engagement, and take their projects to the next level.
Choice, ELA, Secondary, 7th Grade, Medlin, Persuasion, Writing, Public Speaking, Video, Ted Talk

Students prepared for their Ted Talk by reviewing Phil Waknell's article "How to Make a Great TED Talk". From there, students had the opportunity to chose and research a topic that was original, relevant, and enjoyable for an audience. 

In "Social Media Today", Hannah uses rhetorical devices, such as humor, to effectively communicate her message. According to a classmate, "Hannah uses excellent examples that show the viewers instead of just tell them. The humorous example puts a picture in the mind of the viewer and makes them laugh at the same time."

Isabella's message focuses on "The Hidden Truth About Technology". She explains that the brain of an internet addict contains the same hormones as a drug addict. An example of this is when Isabella states, "The blue-enriched light emitted from technological screens suppressed your body's release of melatonin at night." After viewing Isabella's TED Talk, a fellow student commented that "she used compelling language and diction. Her delivery was unique and engaging as she used various students acting out small skits to enhance her own speech."

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